Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hey guys!
I'm back! Yeah..I've been gone for a while. haha. I just lost track, and all my friends are blogging again so..why not? Well I guess life has been alright. Less than 3 months until I am out of LMS!!! So ready. But anyways, this year has flew by, I've lost a few friends..let's call one of them "tim". Tim turned out to be a total douche bag and he said to many hurtful things and it was better to get away from him. I've also made a lot of new friends like Kennedi, Pig, and I've gotten alot closer with Kenzie. Kennedi and Kenzie have become like family, just like Jenna, Macey, and Bekah. I'm feeling like i'm growing up alot too, due to new found freedom. Going to parties and hanging out alot. It's fun, but I need to start getting a grip on school, this has been by far the hardest year, I've never failed a class in my life until this year. :/  I feel like summing up my life from september-now. we go!

September, 2010: My first full month in eigth grade, I made the cheer squad that turned into shit because of a suck ass coach, but I love my cheer girls!:)

October, 2010:  This is where the partying starts, went to the fair with macey and it was awesome! Had a crazy night at kenzies and almost got kicked out of algebra.

November, 2010: This month seems like a haze..except for thanksgiving..nom nom.

December, 2010: More partying haha. Also I turned 14 and had a wicked party and a crazy night with my girls. Christmas! I got all I wanted and more! also had a fun new years party at maceys.

January, 2011: Snow, Snow, Snow! We had like 3 snow days and a delay. So I stayed with macey, got salmonella, and was in the hospital for a week. I came back to school and I was failing everyclass, luckily I have all A's and B's now.

February, 2011: My family felt like it was crumbling's better now I guess. Nothing happened on Valentines day :P

March, 2011: ahh...nothing's happening, I have a pretty boring life.

Well, Thanks for reading this if ya do...haha.