Sunday, October 3, 2010

My life be like ooh-ahh.

    I've decided to write a blog about my life, The LA Life. No, I don't live in Los Angeles, But i live in the Leland Area. Everyone here calls it LA. See, Leland isn't real big, so there is alot of drama, and here is where I will talk about the stuff going on at school and junk(::. If you dont know already my name is Kayla, I'm 13 and I'm a cheerleader at LMS. I'm pretty chill and dont bring too much drama with me. I like to think that I make people laugh with my weird/perverted sense of humor. I hangout with about three groups of people. The first one is my weird/funny/immature people(: I love them to death. The next one is i guess you could say is my "country people" group. I, in no way, shape, or form am country. Maybe like have 15% country but i act redneck/ghetto alot and I can beat someones tail if I have too. Haha. My third group is my sports people, from like cheerleading and softball. I like them because when i hangout with them we act ourselves and dont try to put on a show for people.     Well, I guess i can start talking about this year so far. I'm in eighth grade but I take all high school classes. I consider myself to be semi-nerdy. (Don't judge me on my grammar, im too lazy to capitilize all of my "i"'s) There hasnt been any major drama this year..yet, besides "thats my ex boyfriend, blah blah blah" junk. That happens because there are only like 5 decent looking boys at my school the rest look like they crawled out of the sewer with the swamp rats. Oh!, my mouth also gets me in trouble because im very blunt and i'll be like, "ew you hair looks....blah" so people get mad at me. But like forreal, if you straighten your hair but the back is lumpy....IT'S NOT CUTE!!!!!!!!
    This weekend a storm named Nicole came. Well actually it started monday. See I was at cheerleading practice and junk and ms.Underwood, the principal, was all like, "call your parents to come get you because there are 'impassible' roads". So when i get home its all flooded and mess, and our house smells bad cause a pipe busted. I was like AHHHHHH. Then the school called and said "2 hour delay on tomorrow", they always say on tomorrow, it makes no sense. Well anyways, I was like WOOT, WOOT. Well, I got to school tuesday and i was like "oh my bob we have a game today!". It wasnt cancelled, so we still had to cheer in the pouring rain. :P
   On wednesday the rain continued...:P. So i was like "we cant have school in this weather", well we did. We ended up getting out at like 1:30 because it was flooded again. I was happy because I had alot of homework, anyways. Then the school called that night and said "No school tomorrow", OMG CELEBRATE WOOT WOOT. well, maybe im exxagerating a bit, because we have to make these days up on Christmas break :P, so it wasnt really exciting but it gave me more time to do homework,then on Thursday, of course i procrastinated and it was about 6:00pm, when the school called...AGAIN!!! "No school tomorrow, GOOOOOOO TIGERSSSSS!". Yes, it really said GOOOOOOO TIGERSSSSS, it always does. So i was like yay, i can wait untill tomorrow to do my homework...then saturday comes...have to do homework...but i didnt. Now its sunday and I had three days to do it but noooo. I didnt. Now im sitting here at 5:50 pm writing a blog about not doing my homework....(I still haven't done it)  :(
   I better jump on it. So I hope you read this post and you were like "oh she's really lame and boring but idc i like her blog" <<<(that made no sense). But forizzle continue to read my blog about The LA Life. Later Gator.

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